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1-Click InkPaper

You no longer need to choose between the simplicity of "click-through" and the "formality" of a full set of executed contracts.


With 1-Click InkPaper, get the best of both worlds.

Quick Legal Paperwork for worldwide users

While maintaining the right legal paperwork is very critical from a compliance point of view, it is difficult to manage the process of executing 100s of contracts remotely and in different countries.


Getting 1-Click InkPaper technology can help you optimize your workflow by giving you more control and flexibility in your contract workflow management strategy.


Streamline your contract process by making it easier for your users to fill a contract easily and effectively in an error-free way.

 1-Click InkPaper Executes Legal Paperwork  
In Minutes

Populating important documents is 1-click away

The 1-click InkPaper has been designed specifically for improving the speed & accuracy of legal paperwork execution.


Create easily embedded widgets

Manage all legal paperwork via widgets and allow your users to simply fill a form & sign documents with 1-Click.


As 1-Click InkPaper leverages blockchain, you can be assured of the authenticity of the executed paperwork for world-wide users


Descriptive analytics to help you extract information

Tap into the database of all your users, analyze and review the contracts, and interpret the insights for full compliance.



ClickWrap Agreements v/s 1-Click InkPaper


Clickwrap and browsewrap agreements may be simplistic but are especially vulnerable to challenges of procedural unconscionability. From a compliance perspective, clickwrap and browsewrap agreements don’t hold much water.


1-Click InkPaper is compliant with the laws of almost all countries as it maintains a log of all the interactions of users with the embedded iframe and keeps a repository of all signed documents. It also provides blockchain-based security, not relying on any third-party service providers.


1-Click InkPaper transforms the cumbersome nature of sending signed copies to users into a self-executing one!

The 1-Click InkPaper Process

process (1).png

Register on InkPaper



Choose Template and create customizable Widgets

Preview templates before integrating them to your website

1-Click signature for your users on the integrated widget on your website

Access the user analytics on

InkPaper Dashboard

You and your users receive final signed documents

via email

This is the customizable form your users see when you add the  1-click InkPaper widget to your website.
InkPaper speeds up legal paperwork execution, try it!

 Get Your Free Trial!


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Watch this video to see

1-click in action


Know more about 1-Click InkPaper here.

Image by NordWood Themes
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