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Contract management | CLM

Contract Workflow Management

Get your contracts done more quickly, consistently, and at a lower cost, with more control over contractual decisions!

The Problem with Inefficient Contract Workflow Processes

The workloads and paperwork of all departments are rising at an exponential rate but the contract workflow processes are often inefficient and disjointed.


As most of these processes are offline, completing each task requires more and more time, leading to increased disorganization of the departments.

CLM Process challenges
Contract Lifecycle
Empower All Your Departments

InkPaper drives contract excellence at scale by helping you reduce risk and contract lifecycle times. Get Inkpaper to empower all departments and deliver higher-quality customer experiences through automation and increased visibility.


We help you minimize risk and improve negotiating outcomes. With integrated artificial intelligence and machine learning, InkPaper can help you achieve commercial success.

Bridging All Contract Phases

InkPaper helps clients speed up their contract management workflows - from initiation through contract renewal – by automating the creation, execution and management of any type of paperwork.

Contract Phases
Contract Authoring Process

InkPaper helps you reduce errors and save time by creating core templates and repeatable consistent conditions. It helps in creating greater efficiencies in the contract processes and help you lower administrative costs.

Reducing errors
Strengthening Compliance

InkPaper strengthens compliance by providing higher visibility into corporate workflows by centralizing contract storage. We help you gain customer trust sooner by providing greater insights into how your agreements impact bottom line.

Contract performance management

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